what is in the name?

Friday Bible Study. May 8, 2015 

Subject: What is in the name?

A. Church.
   1. Matt.16:18
   2. Acts 2:47

   3. Ro.12:4-5

   4. Ro.6:23

   5. Ro.16:16
   6. Eph.1:22-23

   7. Eph.4:11-15  

B. Prophet.
   1. Matt.10:41
   2. 1 Peter 4:11
   3. So how do we verify a true prophet?

C. Jesus' believers.
   1. Ac.11:26 They were called Christians.
   2. Jn.8:31-32 They believe Jesus and do what Jesus said.
   3. Ro.13:1-2   They are law abiding people in all the world where ever they are!
   4. 1 Peter.2:13-14 They obey every odinances instituted among men for the Lord's sake. 

       This means they like it or not. They obey!
   5. 1Thes. 5:5 They are all children of light!  They lives are an open letter! Not afraid to be seen by all!
   6. 1 John 3:7-10  They are righteousness doing people.
   7. Eph 4:26  They do not let their anger stay over night.

   8. Eph 4:28  They are hard working people and ggenerous in sharing their wealth.
   9. Eph 4:29  They do not say cursing words!
This is a good list to identify who is a Jesus believer!

From now on no one shall miss to identify a real Jesus believer!

Anyone missed identify a Jesus believer the consiquences is serious!

Now you know there are so many such people in the world today! 

D. Pastor.
   1. Acts 20:17-28  Pastor, elder, bishop, overseer are the same group of people. Acts 20:17-28
   2. Eph.4:11  

   3. Titus 1:5-9 Pastors are appointed by evangelist!

E. Baptism.
   1. Acts 8:35-38
   2. Acts 2:38
   3. Acts 19:1-5

   3. Acts 22:16
   4. 1 Peter 3:21