People are being destroyed from lack of knowledge of Bible truth! Hosea 4:6

People are being destroyed from lack of knowledge of Bible truth! Hosea 4:6

A. May 8, 2015 one item of our Bible study was how to identify Jesus’ believers.

1. Ac.11:26à Jesus’ believers were first called Christians in Antioch.

2. Jn.8:31-32à Jesus said: His believers are disciples who abide in his teaching.
    These people know the truth and the truth set them free from committing sins.

3. Ro.13:1-2à These people are law abiding people.

4. 1 Peter.2:13-14à Jesus’ believers obey every ordinance instituted among man for the Lord’s sake.
    This means they abide local ordinances whether they like it or not like it!

5. 1 Thes. 5:5 à They are children of light.

    This means they do not do things against local ordinances.

6. 1 John 3:7-10à They are righteousness doing people. They do to others as they want others do to them.

7. Eph 4:26 à These people do not let their anger stay within over night.

8. Eph 4:28 à These people are hard working people and generous in sharing their wealth.

9. Eph 4:29
à They do not say filthy words in their daily living.

B. May 10, 2015 I preached a sermon from Acts 2:47.

     Having favor with all the people, and the Lord added to the church daily those should be saved.

1. If we can just correctly identify Jesus’ believers using 3 of these 9 featuresà

 a. Hard working and generous in sharing their wealth.

    b. Abide local government ordinances for the Lord’s sake.

    c. Righteousness doing, treat others as they would others treat them.

2. I know if Jesus’ believers had been known as law abiding, righteousness doing and love others,

    they will have favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily as those should be saved!

3. I believe all governments will help their people to become Jesus’ believers.

    I had visited a town in China where government helped Jesus’ believers build a church building 25years ago. 

    I asked: How did this happened?

   Jesus’ believers were well known to be law abiding, hard working and generous to share what they have.

   Crime rate in their town are very low close to none!

4. Their town government gave them the land and helped them with resources to build the building!

5. I can imagine, if Jesus’ believers in other places are well known as these people.

    Many local governments would do the same. China has become a real Christian country by now!

    For China to become a Christian country is my life long dream and prayer to God!

C. God declared through prophet Hosea.

    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge!

    God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge of the truth in the Bible for thousands of years!

1. Right now, in our age, it is this--> Apostle Peter said: We must obey God rather than men. Acts 5:29

2. Apostle Peter wrote:

    Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every ordinance instituted among men;

    whether to the king, as the supreme authority. 1 Peter 2:13

3. Under Western missionaries influences, they made what Peter said in Acts 5:29 well known by all.  

    Thus made Jesus’ believers become people rebel against ordinances instituted among men.

D. When comes to identify Jesus’ believers people are very much lack of knowledge!

1. Someone came from Qing Dao told me they have 19 years old elders preaching to them!

    As for me, when I see the name tag that says elder so and so on the front packet of his shirt,

    instantly I would wonder, what? This child is only 19 years old! 

    How can he be an elder! Something is wrong!

    But they and those listen treat them as missionaries of the truth!

2. These are people openly made know to others, they are Mormon church people! 

    This would be known to people like us, there is no Mormon church in the Bible!

3. By their age and the name of their church people should know these are no Jesus’ believers!

4. Plus they had gone to Qing Dao to preach.  This is against local ordinance! Dis-obey 1 Peter 2:13!

    This alone should be enough to make them not Jesus’ believers! 

    But the world everywhere recognized them as one of their Jesus’ believers!


Please take this lesson to heart and correctly identify who is Jesus’ believer!

Jesus' believers submit themselves to every ordinance instituted among men! 1 Peter 2:13.

Just in case you did not remember Titus 3:10-11 say, denomination is warped, sinful and self-condemned!

Jesus' believers are not to have anything to do with them!

Anyone dis-obey this one, is no Jesus' believer also!

May the Lord bless you always!