一. 使徒彼得确实是有信心! (马太福音26:34-75)
1. 耶稣对彼得说,公鸡未啼之前,你要三次不认我.彼得说,就算死,我也不会,不认你!
2. 彼得坐在外院里,一个使女来对他说,你是同加利利人耶稣一起的!26:69
彼得在众人面前否认耶稣. 26:70
3. 彼得在门口,另一个女人看见他,说,这个人是与耶稣一起的! 26:71
彼得发誓说,我不认识他! 26:72
4. 过后站在那里的人对他说,你真是他们一党的人,你的口音露出来了! 26:73
彼得立刻发咒起誓说,我不认识那人.立时公鸡就叫了! 26:74
5. 彼得听见公鸡叫,就想起耶稣对他所说的话,就出去痛哭! 26:75
二. 真智慧是存留给基督教会里的人!(箴言书2:1-7)
三. 但以理是个既有信心又有勇气的人!
1. 身为一位被俘虏到异乡的人,他还是保持,他对神的信心!
2. 敢将从神而来的真理传给王!
愿神赐福保守你直到永远! 零八年三月二十日.
It takes virtue to make faith effective,and courage is #1!
A. The case of Apostle Peter! (Matt.26:34-75)
1. Jesus said to Peter:
Verily I say to you. This night before the cock crow, you will deny me 3 times.
Peter said to him, even if I must die with you, I will not deny you.
Likewise also said all the disciples. (Matt.26:34-35)
2. Peter was sitting out in the courtyard, a servant girl came and said,
“You were with Jesus of Galilee.” 26:69
Peter denied it before them all. 26:70
3. Peter went out to the gateway, where another girl saw him and said,
“This fellow was with Jesus.” 26:71
Peter denied it again with an oath! 26:72
4. A little while later those standing by went up to Peter and said:
Surely you are one of them, for your accent gives you away.
Peter began to call down curses on himself and he swore to them:
I don’t know the man! Immediately the cock crowed! 26:73-74
5. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken:
Before the cock crow 3 times, you will deny me 3 times.
He went out and wept bitterly! (Matt.26:75)
B. Sound wisdom lay up for people in the church of Christ! Pro.2:1-7
Those who found the churches of Christ in America is truly blessed!
Here you are able to discover God’s sound wisdom!
Why do you think that we are able to discover the right translation of 2 Peter 1:5?!
Yes, one more time this is proof!
There, Peter wrote: for this very cause adding on your part all diligence,
in your faith supply “courage” and courage knowledge….
According to what we know, not one Bible existed translated it!
Yes, the NIV translated it as goodness and ASV put it virtue!
Yes, we know Peter has faith! He really believe Jesus is the Christ!
From Matthew chapter 16 and 17 we know he really had faith!
By the way he cried bitterly after he remember what Jesus said!
We know he had faith, but he knew what lacking is courage!
C. Daniel is a man with faith and courage!
1. As a captive in a foreign country, he kept his faith and dare to be different from all others! Dan.1:4-16.
Are we dare to be different even in America!?
2. Dare to present the truth as revealed by God! Dan.5:17-30
You may keep your gifts for yourself and give your rewards to others.
Nevertheless, I will read the writing for the king …
The Most High God gave your father sovereignty, greatness, glory and splendor.
Because of the high position he gave him, all the people and nations dreaded and feared him.
Those he want to put to death, he put to death… those he wanted to humble, he humbled.
But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne…
He was given the mind of an animal, he lived with donkeys and ate grass like cattle…
until he acknowledged that the Most High God is sovereign over kingdoms…
But you his son, have not humbled yourself.
Instead you have set yourself up against the Lord of heaven…
Therefore, God sent the hand that wrote these messages to you:
Your kingdom has come to an end and your life is required of you to night! March 20, 2008.