一. 你要信耶稣是主! (使徒行传2:36)
1. 你必须相信!因为耶稣说,若是你不信他是主,基督,你就必死在罪中!(约翰福音8:24)
2. 你不能像二千年前那些犹太人,他们称耶稣为主,但是不遵守他的话!(路加福音6:46节)
3. 你不能像二千年前另些犹太人,他们信耶稣,但不遵守他的道,言行像撒但的人!约8:31-59
二. 你必须作一个遵行主道的人! (雅各书1:22)
三. 生气却不可犯罪,不可叫太阳下山你还在生气!
1. 生气不可犯罪,不叫太阳下山,你还生气! (以弗所书4:26)
2. 这是神儿女的一个记号!(约翰一书3:10)
3. 不可以恶报恶.心中不可思念恶事!(罗马书12:17-21,哥林多前书13:5)
4. 这是紧急必须奉行的从上头来的良言!
四. 在各样苦难中要喜乐!
1. 这是使徒保罗在罗马书5:3节所说的话!
2. 这也是雅各书1:2节所说的!
3. 这事可能吗?
4. 想一下当日你收到哈佛大学接受你的入学申请,通知你去读书.你和你全家都很高兴!
5. 是的我们要以苦难为喜乐!因为知道,苦难是成为更好的机会,也是新生命的开始!
此外,我们知道,人生在世上最大,最痛苦的苦难就是肉身的死! (马太福音10:28节)
愿神赐福保守各位从今直到永远! 二零零八年四月二十四日.
Words that eliminate sickness and save much money!
A. Believe Jesus is Lord. Acts 2:36
1. You have to anyway!
Because Jesus said in Jn.8:24 if you do not believe that I am the Lord, you will die in your sins!
2. You don’t want to be like the Jews who like to call Jesus, Lord,Lord,
but not do what he said 2000 years ago! Lk.6:46
3. You don’t want to be like the Jews who having believed Jesus
but not abide in his words and lived as children of Satan! Jn.8:31-59
B. Be a doer of the word of the Lord! James 1:22
Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
If you believe Jesus is Lord, you have no problem in doing this!
If you do this you can eliminate depression, lots of sicknesses!
And in the meantime save much money and from many sicknesses!
So please be a doer of the word!
We all know how much it cost to cure physical illnesses and mental Sicknesses these days!
These are the things that drain thousands of billions of Government money and personal wealth each year!
Just imagine we can avoid all these sicknesses mental and physical what our lives would become!
C. Be angry when seeing injustice is being practiced!
1. Yes, be angry when things go wrong but sin not and let not the sun go down while you are still angry! (Eph.4:26)
2. It is a sign of being a child of God. (1 Jn.3:10)
3. We must not repay evil for evil. Not even think evil! 1 Co.13:5
4. It is imperative that we practice these words from above!
Anger in the heart is very damaging, a lot more than bacteria!
Anger produce all kinds of physical and mental illnesses!
Our bodies were created by God, and God’s instruction is that we must not let the sun go down
while we are still angry!
This means anger can hurt us if it stays in us more than one day!
D. Rejoice in tribulations!
1. We rejoice in our tribulations. Ro.5:3
2. Count it all joy, when you fall into many sufferings! James 1:2
3. How is this possible?!
4. Just think about the day you receive the notice of acceptance into Harvard medical school!
How happy were you!
Knowing that there are lots of sleepless nights of study ahead of you and you
and your parents are required to pay much money!
Yes, you were happy! You found a way to pay and get through all those “hard times”
and came out a wonderful medical doctor!
5. Yes, count it all joy when fall into tribulations!
Knowing this is an opportunity to become better, a new beginning!
Besides, the worst suffering we could have in this world is death of the body!
This is the last enemy to be destroyed! 1 Cor.15:26!
And remember, Jesus said, don’t be afraid of the one who kill the body but can’t kill the soul.
But be afraid of the one who can destroy body and soul in hell! Matt.10:28
Knowing that once we get through this one there is no more!
What is ahead of us is eternal happiness!
May the Lord bless you and keep you! April 25, 2008.