A. John 8:31-45
1. The Jews having believed Jesus but in the same time do not abide in Jesus' teaching! John 8:31
Man must not be too smart in saying that I changed this verse of the Bible!
Always check before you do the judgment! I got this from original Greek!
I also know why English versions of the Bible the meaning of the original text!
Please be thankful that God has granted you the opportunity to come to this website to learn the truth!
2. All claims to be Jesus’ believers but not abide in Jesus' teaching are evil spirit possessed people!
3. Having believed people if abide in Jesus' teaching, they will know the truth in the Bible! John 8:32
One read this must know all who think that I had changed the meaning in John 8:31 are Jesus' believers
whom do not abide in Jesus' teaching, because they do not know the truth!
This in turn shows that these kinds of Jesus' believers belong to Satan!
I had translated John 8:31 according to correct original word!
4. All "Jesus' believers" do not know the truth are evil spirit possessed people! Lk.8:26-36
5. Jesus' believers do not abide in Jesus' teaching. Is it normal? It is not normal.
6. Why do people believed Jesus and not abide in Jesus' teaching then? Evil spirit possessed!
7. Jesus' believers do not abide in Jesus' teaching, Jesus will say they belong to Satan. John 8:44
8. Jesus' believers do not abide in Jesus' teaching, Jesus will say they do not believe him! John 8:45
9. Jesus' believers do not abide in Jesus' teaching, Jesus will say they are evil doers. Matt.7:22-23
B. Titus 3:10
Warn a denomination person once, and then warn him a second time.
After that, have nothing to do with him.
1. Why are there so many denomination churches around the neighborhood?
2. Are denomination church people Jesus' believers?
They all say they are. Many people on earth say so too!
3. What does the truth in the Bible say?
4. Warn a denomination person once! What do they do? They join them!
5. Warn a denomination person a second time! What do they do? They join them!
6. They go exactly against what say in the Bible! Naturally, Jesus’ enemies do this!
C. Titus 3:11
You may be sure, a denomination man is warped and sinful and self-condemned!
1. Why are there many denomination churches?
2. Are these people Jesus' believers?
3. They all say they are Jesus' believers.
4. Many in the world say they are Jesus' believers too!
5. Why do people join denomination church?
They love to be warped, sinful and self-condemned?! Evil spirit possessed!
If they do not know denomination is synonym to factious and divisive, then we know God does not want them to know the truth!
D. Facts in life on earth!
There are all kinds of denomination churches around the whole world!
1. Are all denomination churches people, Jesus' believers?
2. Yes, they all say so! Yes, many others on earth say so too!
3. Now, do denomination people know the truth in Titus 3:10-11?
4. If they do not know the truth, then they fit back to John 8:31-45
They are people belong to Satan! John 8:44
5. If they do know the truth and still join denomination churches!
6. Then they do the exact opposite to the truth in the Bible!
7. How can Jesus' believers go against Jesus? Satan possessed made it possible!
E. You must believe Jesus is the Christ! John 8:24
1. Jesus asked his disciples: But who say ye that I am? Matt.16:15
2. Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Matt.16:16
3. Jesus said: Blessed art thou, Simon Peter, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee,
but my Father who is in heaven. Matt.16:17
5. And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church;
and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. Matt.16:18
6. Jesus said: If you do not believe that I am the Christ, you will die in your sins. John 8:24
7. If you believe Jesus is the Christ, you have to be in the church of Christ!
8. If you believe Jesus and not in the church of Christ, you are an enemy of Christ!
F. Conclusion: Only people in the church of Christ can know the truth!
Always remember to ask: Is the name of your church in the Bible?
May the Lord bless you and keep you always! Written May 31, 2017.