Joel Osteen defender! 3

Joel Osteen defender! 3

I am self-proclaim Joel Osteen defender!

Anyone does not like it, can look for me! All you need is call 718-886-6396.

A. Human biblical mathematic logic reasons.

1. On Youtube I found many "preachers" bad mouth about Mr. Joel Osteen!

2. In the same time everyone say, Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church is the largest in America!

3. According to human Biblical, Mathematic logic, the 2nd is not qualify to criticize number 1st!

4. Lakewood Church has 16,000 seats full of people!  Any of his critics has a church seat 16,001?

5. Joel has over 50,000 listen to him in his church on weekend! Any of his critics has more!

6. Joel has 7 million weekly TV preaching viewers! Any of his critics has more?

7. Be reasonable, stop criticize Mr. Osteen immediately!

B. Lakewood church is the best church name!

1. It is much better than Grace Community Church!

2. It is better than all Pentecostal churches!

3. It is better than all Baptist church, 1st, 2nd or 3rd...Baptist churches!

4. It is better than all Presbyterian churches!

5. It is better than all Methodist churches!

6. It is much better than Orlando Christian Center!

7. All people need is learn to read and understand a few Chinese words!

   Too bad Mr. Joel Osteen does not know these Chinese words!

   Lakewood Church in Chinese words means the truth, the life and the way!

8. If you translate John 14:6 from Greek text you can line up what Jesus said this wayà

    Jesus answered: I am the truth and the life and the way!

   The NIV Bible line up this way--> Jesus answered: I am the way and the truth and the life!

9. All you out there, search the web or otherwise try whatever you can and see whether you can

    find any other church has a name can biblically beat this!

    Now, this should be enough to shut up all critics!

    Let Joel do his works!  Weekly there are 7 millions listen to him!

C. I wish not one Joel's critics say: How about salvation of the soul?

1. So far, I have yet to find one Joel's critics know how to correctly handle John 3:16!

2. Can’t handle John 3:16 correctly, salvation of the souls is beyond their reach!

    Once they learned how to handle John 3:16, they will stop criticize Joel this way!

D. I have a few words for Mr. Joel Osteen to consider if Lord willing he will see this!

1. The name Lakewood Church is much better than all Protestant churches on earth!

2. But this church name is not in the Bible!

    If one of my humble listener, get to ask you this simple question-->

    Is the name of your church in the Bible?

3. You would be in much trouble!

    Because, you will 99% forget to immediately answer with a single word "no"!

4. You will immediately try to explain...! As soon as you say any other word!

    You would be in much trouble!  Because I taught all of them to quote Matt.5:37 on you!

E. Conclusion: All saved people are in church of Christ!

1. The Lord Himself added them there! Acts 2:47!

2. Churches of Christ salute you. Romans 16:16

3. Elders are to shepherd the church of Christ, which Christ purchased with his own blood. Ac.20:28

4. Apostle Paul taught: Christ and church is like husband and wife! Eph.5:22-32

5. Everyone call your wife in marriage relation to you as Mrs. Osteen.

6. Benny Hinn's wife, we all call her Mrs. Hinn!  We would never joke about this one!

7. When comes to the wife of Christ it is sacred and it is divine!

    Let us call the wife of Christ, Mrs. Christ, church of Christ respectfully! Eph.5:22-32

Written and preached by John Chan. 136-49, 41 Ave. Flushing, N.Y. 11355