A. It is all about perception!
1. When comes to about believe Jesus all think about the Bible!
2. All think believe Jesus is according to the Bible!
3. Therefore, anyone says or thinks that he believes Jesus but is in a church with name that is not in the Bible,
he lies to himself and to all who think that he is a Jesus' believer!
4. According to the Bible, Jesus added his believers into the church! Acts 2:47
5. According to the Bible churches in Judea were churches of Christ! Gal.1:22
6. According to the Bible churches of Christ were all over! Ro.16:16
7. Perception of the ancient time all churches were churches of Christ!
That was why churches mentioned in Revelation needed only to mention the name of the location!
To this we still practice the same!
8. Thus Believe Jesus not in a church of Christ is done evil. Matt.5:37
B. It is all about doctrinal teachings!
1. Preaching is liken to farmer sowing seed! Luke 8:11
2. The seed is the word of God!
3. Peter, John, Paul... sown the word of God, they produced churches of Christ! Ro.16:16
4. In Chinese culture no educated person can miss this one!
There is this saying: Plant watermelon produce watermelon. Plant bean, produce bean!
As long as the seed is the same, the product has to be the same!
5. 2000 years ago people sown God's word produced churches of Christ!
Now or 1000 years later anyone sow the same seed they all have to produce churches of Christ!
6. Therefore, anyone says he preaches what says in the Bible but not in a church of Christ is lying!
7. Investigate, you will find each denomination church has its unique set of teaching!
8. No set of doctrinal teaching can be the same as the New Testament Bible!
9. Therefore, anyone participates in a non-church of Christ is done evil! 2Jn.1:9-11
C. It is all about to whom or to what be the glory!
1. Why do we insist to be churches of Christ? All glory and praises be to Christ! 1Peter 4:11
2. When you see Saint Peter Church to whom do you remember?
3. When you see Lutheran church to whom do you remember? Martin Luther! The great church father....
4. When you see Presbyterian Church to what do you remembered?
5. Nowadays, you see many man-made names fixed on church buildings...
They are making the body of the saved people a laughing-stock!
D. Conclusion:
Wonder no more about why these teachings are in the Bible!
1. Why Paul wrote these! Gal.1:8
a. But though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach unto you any gospel other than that which
we preached unto you, let him be condemned. Gal.1:8
b. A denomination man after a first and second admonition refused.
Knowing such a one is warped, and sinful and self-condemned. Titus 3:10-11
2. Why John wrote these! 2Jn.1:9-11
a. Whosoever goes onward and abides not in the teaching of Christ, hath not God:
he that abides in the teaching, the same hath both the Father and the Son. 2Jn.1:9
b. If anyone comes to you, and brings not this teaching, receive him not into (your) house,
and give him no greeting: for he that gives him greeting partakes in his evil works. 2Jn.1:10-11
3. Why Jesus taught these! Matt.7:21-23
Not everyone that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does
the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not
prophesy by thy name, and by thy name cast out demons, and by thy name do many mighty works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you evildoers.
May the Lord bless you and keep you always! Written on March 16, 2018.