Things that defile a person.
A. Religious leaders say! Matt.15:1-10
1. The things that go into a person's mouth defile the person
that is why there was a man's tradition that says man must wash his hands before he eats bread!
Eating bread without washing hands defile a man!
2. The Logic is simple and clear!
For sanitary reason and well being of the body it does make very good sense to wash hands before eating food!
Recently stomach flu has cause the hospital’s emergency room’s visitors increase by 19%!
News reporters are telling people it is important to wash hands before eating!
Besides, unclean food got into stomach may cause a man to vomit.
When this happened we know how much defilement it can cause!
Therefore, the elders said, everyone must wash hands before eating!
3. Their elders made it a rule for all to obey!
And these religious leaders accused Jesus’ disciples disobey this rule!
B. Jesus disputed that! Matt.15:17
1. What goes into the mouth passes into the belly and is cast out into the toilet
(we know it flow into the sewer and everything is clean)!
Besides, I do not think Jesus was against washing hands before eating!
2. Jesus said those religious leaders were acting as blind leads the blind
and both of them shall fall into a pit! Matt.15:14
3. Jesus said to his disciples: Leave them alone.
To people like that, it is wasting of time to be bother with!
4. Jesus said, they were people whom God has not plant and shall be rooted up! 15:13
Here Jesus was using plant to avoid direct confrontation!
They were not chosen by God! They shall be rooted up!
C. Things that come out of the mouth that defile a man! (Matt.15:18)
Jesus was talking about moral defilement! Not physical food that vomit out of the mouth!
These certainly will defile others and the environment!
Jesus was talking about thing that originated in the heart and he specified them as follow-->
evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, and slander. (Matt.15:19)
Jesus said, these are the things that defile the man.
But to eat with unwashed hands defiles not the man! (Matt.15:20)
In history we know religious leaders had these things that defile them!
D. The differences between being religious and being a believer!
1. Being religious means to emphasize physical well being and appearance!
2. Being a believer of Jesus means having a heart that is free of evil thoughts, not think about murder,
not think about commit adultery, fornication, stealing, false witness, nor slander anyone!
3. As Jesus said in Matt.5:8 --> A man whose heart is free of evil desires will get to see God!
4. The golden rule of a Jesus’ believer is Matt.7:12--> As you would others do to you, do so to them.
5. Being religious is having festivals, ritual, decorative objects, taking part in a procession on the street, etc.
6. Being a believer of Jesus is quietly doing things that is making a world that is free from crime.
E. Conclusion:
A body that is strong and free from diseases is not enough to please God.
A heart that is free from evil desires that please God!
Being a believer of Jesus is all about being free from evil desires!
May the Lord bless you and keep you! Nov., 13, 2008.