To the Jews who having believed him, Jesus said:
Main Scriptures for this study: John 8:31-32
Scriptures as recorded:
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said: If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. NIV
A. Questions about detecting truthful teaching!
1. How many people read the above will notice there is one discrepancy?
2. How many people will discover, I changed the ‘had believed’ into ‘having believed’!
3. How many care to check this discrepancy with their teachers?
4. How many care to check it out with original Greek text?
5. For the salvation of your soul, you must check this out with your teacher!
6. Your teacher may not even a Jesus believer!
7. Thus you may be being taught by a false teacher from Satan!
B. One of the above may be lying!
1. This is vital! The lying party is from Satan! Jn.8:44
2. Only one can be truth! It is either having believed or had believed!
3. The result is heaven and hell!
4. This concern about whether your teacher is from God or from Satan!
5. But in our today 2019 reality! Who care this much!
C. Scriptures as recorded:
1. To the Jews who having believed him, Jesus said:
2. If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.
3. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. NIV
D. Understanding what Bible says:
1. A real Jesus disciple is a having believed person.
2. Plus holding to his teaching. Jesus’ teaching is in the New Testament Bible.
3. A real Jesus disciple will know the truth in the New Testament Bible.
4. And the truth will set him free.
5. Thus we know a real Jesus disciple is a saved person.
E. Now test yourselves!
1. Before you read this article do you know these followings?
a. English Bible changed the meaning of John 8:31?
b. What was changed?
c. Why did they change that?
d. How do you rectify them?
2. If you do not know a. to d. you are not a having believed person!
3. Test to see whether your Bible teacher know these!
If you do not do this, Satan is your father!
Have mercy on your soul, do not read further! Otherwise you will add more sins on you!
F. God’s blessed people get to know these!
1. They changed the word having into had!
2. Because read down to 8:37 and 40 the having believed Jews seek to kill Jesus!
3. Because in 8:44 Jesus said they belong to Satan.
4. Because in 8:45 Jesus said they do not believe him!
5. They had to change the having into had to fit their understanding!
Their understanding is wrong!
6. These Jews had believed but at this time they had not believed….
God purposely hid these truths from them! Do you know why I know this!?
7. Now here are correct scriptures to rectify the whole thing!
Matt.16:13-18 and Matt.23:37! Figure this out! If you can’t write to me!
May the Lord bless you and keep you always! Written March 13, 2019.