Your love ones and friends may be in Satan’s grasp!
Test to find out and take them to church of Christ!
A. Scriptures for this study: John 8:31-32 According to NIV Bible.
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said: If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
B. Analysis:
1. To the Jews who had believed him.
2. Jesus said: If you hold to my teaching.
3. You are really my disciples.
4. Then you will know the truth.
5. And the truth will set you free.
C. The goal is to save souls!
1. To the Jews who had believed Jesus. --> The already believed people!
2. Jesus said: If you hold to my teaching. --> Those obey Bible teaching!
3. You are really my disciples. --> These are saved people in church of Christ!
4. Then you will know the truth. --> Jesus promised saved people know the truth!
5. And the truth will set you free. --> Souls are saved in the church of Christ!
*** Item 4 is test, item 5 is the result!
D. Easy test to know whether one is in Satan’s grasp!
1. Ask nicely: Do you know something wrong in John 8:31?
2. You wish so much the answer is --> Yes, the word having changed into had!
3. Any other answer which includes no answer! You know this love one belongs to Satan. Jn.8:44
4. You must make sure tell the truth and take him or her to church of Christ!
5. If they refuse to go to church of Christ out of love do not tell them the followings!
6. Yes, they changed the word having into had!
Because read down to 8:37 and 40 Jesus said they seek to kill him!
It does not make sense to say having believed Jews seek to kill Jesus!
Because read down to 8:44 Jesus said they belong to Satan!
Because read down to 8:45 Jesus said they do not believe him!
Because read down to 8:59 these having believed Jews picked up stones tried to stone Jesus!
Change having into had they can say, once these Jews had believed Jesus but at this time they did not!
That was why they could do those evils!
7. The fact is that they changed the having into had!
E. At this point you want to make sure they will go to church of Christ!
1. Otherwise, you will make their lives much worse!
2. If you tell them the truth they will still belong to Satan!
3. If they continue go to a church that is not church of Christ they piled up more sins on themselves!
F. These truths only for people in church of Christ!
1. From Matt.16:13-18 you know these having believed Jews believed Jesus is a prophet!
2. For at the time not one Jews believed Jesus is the Christ!
3. Yes, Peter said to Jesus: You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God! Matt.16:15
4. But Jesus said to him: My Father in heaven told you this!
5. From Matt.23:37 you know Jews seek to kill Jesus was their way to treat a prophet!
6. Jesus said they do not believe him as the Christ! Jn.8:45
7. Jesus said those having believed Jews belong to Satan! Jn.8:44
8. Without knowing this truth they will go to hell! You must have mercy for your love ones!
G. Conclusion:
1. Jesus said: If you do not believe I am the Christ, you will die in your sins! Jn.8:24
Make sure all love ones and friends believe Jesus is the Christ and be in church of Christ!
2. Jesus kept this truth only for people in church of Christ! Matt.13:10-11
3. You are the very blessed one! Because you are one of my love ones and friends!
4. Now that we know this truth we are obligated to share! Please reach out to help save souls!
5. You may test further to see if they know these truths! Matt.5:48, Matt.5:3, Lk.17:20-21 …
May God bless you and keep you always! Preach this March 31, 2019.