像天堂一样地方! (2)

像天堂一样地方! (2)




1.当得救的人聚在一起敬拜神,基督的教会就成立! 使徒行传2:1,哥林多前书11:18

2.神永久目的是叫基督的教会里领导理解神百般智慧! 以弗所书3:10-12

3.这些领导负责训练得救的人在救恩里成长! 4:11-15,彼前2:1-2,彼后1:5-11


. 像撒但一样的人!

1.撒但曾与神的儿子们一起.与神谈话! 约伯记1:6

2.但是,撒但喜欢作什么? 从地上走来走去.往返而来! 约伯记1:7


   务要谨守.警醒,你们的仇敌魔鬼,如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人. 彼得前书5:8




   把学到的圣经真理给没信主认识的人分享! 这是一件永做不完的事!

.职业传道人! 约翰福音10:10-11

1.耶稣说:贼来了,要偷,,毁灭.  我来了,要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛! 约翰福音10:10

2.我是好牧人,好牧人为羊舍命. 约翰福音10:11


   狼抓住羊,赶散了羊群. 约翰福音10:12

4.我不是羊的主人!神是羊的主人!  我是神拣选的仆人!

5.保护主的羊群是我一生最大喜乐与尊荣! 一天我传道,就一天没有狼敢靠近主的羊群!



.假圣经教师! 帖后2:1-12




4.使徒保罗形容这样的人是凶暴的豺狼! 使徒行传20:28



  (2)牧养基督的教会.就是他用自己的血买来的! 使徒行传20:28

  (3)我知道我去之后,必有凶暴的豺狼进入你们中间.不爱惜羊群. 使徒行传20:29

  (4)就是你们中间,也必有人起来,说悖谬的话,要引诱门徒跟从他们. 使徒行传20:30




   信中有些难明白的,那无学问,不坚固的人强解,如强解别的经书一样,就自取沉沦. 彼得后书3:16

.在主的事工上懒惰的人! 帖撒逻尼嘉后书3:1-15


2.但勤力,忙作自己肉体喜欢的事! 希伯来书6:7-8 (好像3a.m.起身...)

3.我们在你们那里的时候,曾吩咐你们说:若有人不肯作工,就不可吃饭. 帖撒逻尼嘉后书3:10

4.因我们听说,在你们中间有人不按规矩而行,什么工都不作.反倒专管闲事. 帖撒逻尼嘉后书3:11

5.我们靠主耶稣基督吩咐,劝戒这样的人,要安静作工,吃自己的饭. 帖撒逻尼嘉后书3:12

6.若有人不听从我们这信上的话.要记下他来.不和他交往.叫他自觉羞愧. 帖撒逻尼嘉后书3:14

. 结论:  弟兄们,你们行善不可丧志! 帖撒逻尼嘉后书3:13

愿主赐福保守你直到永远! 2020223日讲这篇.


Heavenly places! (2)

Church of Christ is a heavenly place!

Why then, there are people chosen to depart from church of Christ!

Preface: Know what the Bible says: Eph.3:10-12

1. When saved people gathered in one place to worship God the church of Christ started. Ac.2:1, 1Cor.11:18

2. God's eternal purpose is for leaders in the church of Christ to know the manifold wisdom of God! Eph.3:10-11

3. These leaders are to train saved people to grow in their salvation! Eph.4:11-14, 1Pet.2:1-2, 2Pet.1:5-11

What kinds of people chosen to depart from the church of Christ?

A. Satan kinds of people! Job 1:6-7

1. Satan was among the sons of God and was talking to God!

2. But what did Satan like to do?  Roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it!

3. Apostle Peter cautioned us with these words --> Be self-controlled and alert.

    Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1Pet.5:8

4. “Hard working church parents” had a son woke up 3 a.m. doing graffiti around this neighborhood!

    Eventually this family chosen to depart from this church of Christ!

5. Yes, we all can be busy help do the Lord’s work!

    Reach out to none believing acquaintance with precious truth from the Bible!

    This is one forever unending task all can do for all time!

B. Professional hired preachers! John 10:10-11

1. Jesus said: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;

    I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Jn.10:10

2. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Jn.10:11

3. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep.

    So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away.

    Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. Jn.10:12

4. I am not owner of the sheep!  God is owner of the sheep!

    I am a God's humble chosen servant!

5. I found great pleasure and honor to defend all Lord’s sheep!

    As long as I am the preacher, no wolf dares come near the Lord’s sheep!

6. Let me repeat this one!  I do not own the sheep!  All sheep belong to God!

    I am a humble servant of God!  I take great pleasure and honor to defend the Lord’s sheep!

C. There are false Bible teachers! 2Thes.2:1-12

1. These people are doomed to destruction!

2. They like to be Bible teachers in church of Christ but teach unscriptural teaching!

3. These people will rise up to destroy when faithful preacher and members move away from the church!

4. Apostle Paul described these people as savage wolves! Ac.20:28-30

5. To church of Christ elders Apostle Paul said these:

    (1) Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers.

    (2) Be shepherds of the church of Christ, which he bought with his own blood.

    (3) I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Ac.20:28-29

    (4)Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.

6. About 500 years later this happen in Rome among the Jews and Italian believers!

7. Apostle Peter wrote: Paul writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters.

    His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort,

    as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. 2Pet.3:16

D. There are lazy people! 2Thes.3:1-15

1. These people are lazy in help do the Lord’s work!

2. But they are diligent and busy doing things that please their flesh! Gal.6:7-8

3. For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: If any will not work, neither let him eat. 2Thes.3:10

4. For we hear of some that walk among you disorderly, that work not at all, but are busybodies. 2Thes.3:11

5. Now them that are such we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ,

    that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread. 2Thes.3:12

6. If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of him.

    Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed. 2Thes.3:14

E. Conclusion:  And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right. 2Thes.3:13

May the Lord bless you and keep you always!  Preach this February 23, 2020.


