Church of Christ emergency notice!


Church of Christ emergency notice!  March 18, 2020.


Dear brethren: Peace and grace to you!

Attention: All who meet for Sunday worship at 136-49, 41 Ave. Flushing NY 11355!

1. Government official stated:

    To help prevent Covid-19 from spreading everyone should stay home for the next 2 weeks!

    All non-essential gatherings are forbidden!  … such as going to church!

2. God told us in 1 Peter 2:13!

    We are to obey government ordinance for the Lord’s sake!

3. Therefore, from this Sunday, March 22, 2020 church building will be closed!  Until further notice!

4. How do we obey God’s instructions in Heb.10:25-26.

    Do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together in worship to God on Sunday!

    Believed and baptized believers forsake Sunday worship there would be not more sacrifices for sins!


***** By the grace of God!

   Government told us to stay home!

***** By the grave of God!

   According to what we know all who worship with us have home to stay in!


5. In this emergence time attend the assembling of ourselves to worship God this way:

    Prepared un-leaven bread, grape juice!

    (Remember un-leaven bread represent the Lord’s body. Grape juice represents the Lord’s blood!)


   Sunday morning each gather in a room in our own home!

      (1)Each eats the bread and drink the juice in the cup.

           If you are only one in the home! Do this yourself!

                  (Yes, male or female!)

      (2)Say a prayer:

           Lord please grants us strength to rejoice in this time of trials!

           Lord, please keep all of us safe and healthy to ride out of this virus victoriously!

     (3)If you are able, sing one or two songs of praise to the Lord!

     (4)Learn Bible truth by click on to

         get the sermon text designated for March 22, 2020. (Already posted!) 

     (5)Sacrifice of offering is one item of worship!

         Phil.4:15-19, 2Cor.9:6-7, 1Cor.16:1-2

         According to God’s instruction, offering money is in keeping with your income!

        What you have budgeted, label with the date of that Sunday, put it aside in one place!

        When situation return to normal, bring your offerings and put in offering bag!

     (6)Say a prayer to conclude your worship! 


A little reminder: Because each stayed home, some may have no income!

No income, no offering!  God knows each of us!

Those budgeted with check offerings stay home with no income may ask the church for help!


Have questions?

Please call my cell # 917-346-6598.  Or text to brother Chan!


Now you may have time at home, this is time for you to learn a lot more Bible truth from the website!

Yes, you all stay well in the Lord! 

My wife and I remember you in our prayers!