Please be happy and enjoy this new discovery! Again happy 2021!
1. I found Satan's workers love “in depth Bible study”!
2. So they can fool others and themselves! Tragic! They themselves do not know this!
3. About Bible truth in “depth Bible study” people are either illiterate or idiots!
4. They may gather 115 or 130 "Bible Scholars" worked hard for 10 or more years!
They miss or intentionally change original intended meaning!
*** My new discovery! Ro.16:16-17 (12/27/2020)
A. Read their translations!
As NIV and ESV translated: (I found NIV and ESV are very identical!)
Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ salute you. Ro.16:16
I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way
that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. Ro.16:17
(This translation made Chinese Bible students misunderstand Bible truth! (Check Chinese Bible!)
1. To be sure! I am a shallow Bible study man! I am not good in English neither in Chinese!
2. I rely on dictionary and Google Search to find correct spelling words!
3. I am shallow in English vocabulary! Thank God I learn to go on web or Google search!
4. Many times I type wrong spelling words and Google gives me correct spelling words!
5. The “in depth study” people were scholars and 115, or 130 of them together!
They worked hard together for 10 plus years!
6. I am by myself with dictionary and Google search!
7. As you can see. I found the original intended meaning!
8. I discovered their wrong translations! To be sure! I am not happy! I am sad!
9. I rather they found all these! More souls can be saved! All life-long I want more souls be saved!
B. Ro.16:16 follow with Ro.16:17!
1. … All the churches of Christ salute you. Ro.16:16
2. Follow with--> I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your
way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.
C. Here is my shallow Bible study:
In H.K. when I learn English vocabulary I learned the word denominations and divisions are synonym words!
1. In my shallow Bible Study I see Satan keeps replacing the word denominations with divisions!
2. Now let us get the correct meaning of the word “cause” in Ro.16:17!
3. Ro.16:17 should be this way --> Watch out for those who cause denominations ….
4. Now let us get the original meaning of the word “cause”!
5. This word “cause” means establish, produce or to be author of! The Greek dictionary number is 4160.
Ro.16:17 becomes: Watch out for those who produce or establish denomination churches! ...
6. Actually with my shallow English knowledge, this word “cause” also means “form”!
7. Blessed are the shallow Bible study people! They got the original intended meaning in Ro.16:17!
I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who form denomination churches and put obstacles in your way
that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.
D. Now here is the pointy point!
1. All churches of Christ salute you follow with watch out for those who produce denomination churches …!
This would make this Bible truth natural and smooth!
2. ESV and NIV Bible translators were either illiterate or idiots! As shallow as I can discover their wrong!
*** Here is another short and simple one! Gal.1:22 to prove my point!
Original RSV --> I was personally unknown to the churches of Christ that are in Judea. Gal.1:22
2. NIV and ESV --> I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ.
***Shallow Bible study people have clear heads! Study original Greek text to find out!
Only illiterate or idiots controlled by Satan can be this stupid! (Read my article on church!)
3. In human society it is always church of Christ in a location!
Denomination churches do the same --> Baptist church in a location!
E. Think about what is in Paul’s mind when he wrote Ro.16:17 after 16:16 plus these followings!
1. Let there be no denomination churches among Jesus’ believers! 1Cor.1:10
2. Christ and church is husband and wife! One husband, one wife!
Church has the one way to be called --> Mrs. Christ! Illiterate or idiots know this!
To be called with other name would be an insult to Christ, the husband!
3. Denomination man is sick head thinking up-side-down, sinful and self-condemned! Titus 3:10-11
4. Line up these two: "Keep away from them" and "have nothing to do with him"! Identical ideas!
F. Conclusion: It is clear only the shallow Bible study people are with Jesus! Ac.4:13