一. 正如路加福音15章所说的浪子!
1. 是的,本来在我天父家里样样都美好!
2. 是你自己后来犯了罪,得罪天父离家出走!
3. 是你自己必须悔改回到天父的家!
4. 天父要欢迎的也是你自己!
5. 是你自己选择要与世界做朋友,成为天父的仇敌!雅各书4:4
二. 哥林多后书5:18-20
1. 是天父自己要藉着基督叫人与自己重新和好!5:18
2. 是天父自己不将你的过犯归到你身上!
3. 我们是天父的使者,就好像是天父藉着我们劝你来重新与自己和好!5:19
4. 我们是替基督求你们与天父重新和好!5:20
三. 歌逻西书1:21-23
1. 是你自己曾经因着恶行离开天父,在心思意念上成为天父的仇敌!1:21
2. 现在是天父要你,必须藉着基督肉身的死,重新与他和好,成为圣洁.无可指责!1:22
3. 是你自己必须在所信的道上恒心,根基稳固,坚定不移,不被引动离开福音的盼望!1:23
4. 是你自己必须听福音,接受福音的教导!我们只是将这福音,忠实的传给你!1:23
四. 约翰福音6:44-45
五. 使徒行传2:40-42
1. 是你自己必须救你自己离开这个邪恶弯曲的世代!2:40
2. 是你自己必须愿意接受相信我们所传的信息!2:41
3. 是你自己必须愿意悔改受洗叫你的罪得到赦免!2:38,41
4. 是你自己必须恒心遵守使徒的教训!2:42
5. 是你自己必须在七日的第一日来参加聚会敬拜天父!2:42
6. 是你自己必须愿意与教会其他信主的人建立友宜来往!(你必须知道,那一个教会!)
7. 是你自己必须愿意吃主的晚餐记念主,为你得着救恩,死而复活!
六. 徒徒行传2:47
愿天父赐福保守你直到永远! (这讲章是陈约翰所写.零九年六月十一日.)
You are the one who have to reconcile to God!
A. Like the prodigal son in Luke chapter 15!
1. Yes, everything was alright in my Father’s house!
2. It is you who sinned against your Father in heaven and departed!
3. It is you who must repent and come back to your Father’s house!
4. It is you whom the Father welcomes!
5. It was you who had chosen to be a friend of the world and become an enemy
to the Father in heaven! James 4:4
B. 2 Cor.5:18-20
1. It is God who reconciles you to himself through Christ.
Therefore, it is between you and God!
2. God is the one who reconciles you to himself through Christ.
It is God who gave us the ministry of reconciliation.
Therefore, we answer to God.
We do not answer to you!
3. We are God’s ambassadors, it is as though God is making his appeal through us.
4. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Please be reconciled to God!
You are the one who have to make the decision!
C. Col.1:21-23
1. It is you who were once alienated from God and were enemies in your minds
because of your evil behavior.
2. It is you God has reconciled by Christ’s physical body through death to present
you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation.
3. It is you who has to continue in your faith, established and firm,
not moved from the hope held out in the gospel.
4. It is you who has to hear and respond the Gospel call!
Our job is to preach the gospel to you faithfully!
D. John 6:44-45
Jesus said: No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him,
and I will raise him up at the last day.
It is written in the prophet: They will all be taught by God.
Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me.
E. Acts 2:40-42
1. It is you who must save yourselves from this corrupt generation.
We may plead with you all we want, still we alone can’t save you!
2. You are the one who has to accept the message! 2:41
3. You are the one who has to want to be baptized! 2:41
4. You have to devote yourselves to the apostles’ teaching!
5. You are the one who has to attend worship service on Sunday!
6. You are the one who has to participate in fellowship with other Christians
in the church and you know what church!
7. You are the one who has to partake of the Lord’s supper!
F. Acts 2:47
Yes, it is the Lord who put you in the church!
Yes, you know the name and the nature of the church!
If the teaching you accepted is correct, you must know this!
If you don’t know this, you are not yet saved in the Lord!
May the Lord Bless you always! June 10, 2009.