How the world claims to preach according to the Bible?
Example one: Acts 16:30-31
1. Sinner, the Philippians jailer asked this question:
What must I do to be saved? Acts 16:30
2. Preacher Paul answers to this question:
Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved-- you and your family.16:31
3. Quote the saved thief on the cross to prove this point! Lk,23:39-43
4. Quote what Jesus said in Jn.3:16 etc.
And they invente lots of stories to stir up listeners’ emotion…
This really look like all scriptural!
Example two: Acts 16:34
The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them;
he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God-- he and his family.
1. After reading this verse they ask the listener,
do you want your family to be filled with joy?
2. All normal people will say, yes, I do want my family to be filled with joy!
3. Then they say, read this scripture yourself and tell me what does it say!
The jailer brought them (those who preach) into his house and set a meal before them;
he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God…
Now, if you want your family to be filled with joy.
You must believe in God! It is simple and clear!
Please pray with me: Lord, Jesus, please come into my heart to be my Savior!
Congratulation, you are saved!
Here is the correct way to preach these scriptures!
1. The jailer asked: What must I do to be saved? Acts 16:30
2. Answer: believe in the Lord Jesus, you will be saved, you and your family.
3. Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house. Acts 16:32
4. At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds;
then immediately he and all his family were baptized. Acts 16:33
5. The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them;
he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God-- he and his family.
Using our God given intelligent, we analyze these scriptures from verse 30-34
We find there are five steps in these scriptures!
1. The sinner ask: what must I do to be saved?
2. Answer: believe in the Lord Jesus, you will be saved, you and your whole family.
3. Explain to him and everyone in his family the why and what they must do!
4. Verse 33 is about their doing the “what must do”.
5. Now, comes to the conclusion of the story:
The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them;
he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God-- he and his family.
Now that I have presented this correctly and put it on my website!
Only those on whom God wants to have mercy will find this website and
find this and adopt this way of preaching according to the Bible!
Anyone preach these scripture other way, risk to be condemned!
Now, do you wonder, why do I know to analyze the scriptures this way?
By the grace of God, my life long aspiration is to find the one meaning originally intend
when the New Testament Bible was penned!
God has chosen, this is the time to reveal the truth to you and all who will find this website!
Why do you think that you are reading this sermon?
This is your time to know the truth which God has stored up for you!
So please treasure this and keep on coming for more!
As long as God see fit, I will try to do my best to help.
And pray that God will choose you to be one of these people too!
May the Lord bless you and keep you always. April 19, 2010