Quality life--> decision that do not come back to haunt you!
A. We all need help at one time or the other!
That is why people say, close neighbors are better than far away kin folks!
I know some kin folks are mostly dependable when comes to helping.
I know sometimes neighbors and kin folks are no help at all!
That is why faith in the Lord becomes very important!
Psalm 121:1-2 says: I lift up my eyes to the hills –
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
At one time or the other, neighbor and kin folk are no help!
Suddenly something dawn to you, and you are able to solve the problem!
What a wonderful feeling when this happened once a while!
B. Rules and conscience enhance each other! Ro.2:14-15
1. Gentiles do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law,
they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, in
that they show the work of the law written in their hearts, their
consciences bearing witness therewith, and their thoughts one with
another accusing or else excusing….
2. In every process of decision making, conscience, and either rule of the
land or rule of God is constantly there with us!
3. People do not have faith in God, usually make decision base on their
experience, conscience and rule of the land!
Decisions made this way may come back to haunt them!
Consciences can become bad, sealed and wicked! Rules of the land can
change or become irrelevant!
This is why even the best constitution in the world
namely the American constitution still need amendments!
C. Why must rules of God over rules made by man?
1. In a nation’s constitution, federal rules are above state rules, state
rules are above county rules.
That is why when a county police working on a crime case,
a state police show up, the state police is in charge.
When the federal police show up, the federal police is in charge!
Naturally, when God’s agent show up, he is in charge!
Because federal rules are set up for the good of the whole nation.
State rules are set up for the good of the state.
County rules are set up for the good of that county.
God’s rules are given for the well being of all the people
2. Can any rules set up by man do this following thing?!
Every scripture inspired of God (is) also profitable
for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
for instruction which is in righteousness.
That the man of God may be complete,
furnished completely unto every good work. 2 Tim.3:16-17
3. That is why Paul said in Romans 13:1-5-->
Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers:
for there is no power but of God;…
Wherefore, you must needs be in subjection, not only because of the wrath,
but also for conscience’ sake.
That is why Peter said in 1 Peter 2:13-->
Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every
authority instituted among men:
whether to the king, as the supreme authority,…
As we conscience is working with rules of the land and rules of God!
D. Psalm 121:1-2 say this at a time!
I lift up my eyes to the hills--
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
It is not a shame to surrender and become a follower of Christ.
It is the wisest and smartest people’s decision! Please wait no longer!
May the Lord bless you and keep you always! Preach this on July 4, 2010.