

. 经文照抄:


1. 这民满心知道圣经中神的旨意.歌逻西书1:9.

2. 这民行事为人对得住神.凡事蒙神喜悦,在一切善事上结果子.歌逻西书1:10.

. 这国只承认一位神就是耶和华!

1. 一位文士问耶稣:所有诫命中,那一条是最大的?马可福音12:28.



2. 这个有福的国家有一条宪法说,只有愿意接受和敬拜我们这一位耶和华真神的人欢迎申请来这里居住!

3. 我深深知道,世上所有思想正常的人,都同意我这个说法.



. 先知耶利米早就知道西方民主政治的运作!耶利米书5:30-31

1. 耶利米说:国中有可惊骇和恐怖的事.




3. 今天西方民主政治的世界情形是否很像是这样?

   (1) 传道人说假预言.告诉人说,他们是传讲圣经真理.


   (2) 国家统治者按照他们自己的心意统治国家!

   (3) 人民也喜爱这样民主政治!我能看见,这是完美的形容西方民主政治运作!


4. 请留意:耶利米先知说:这是一件叫人惊骇和恐怖的事!


. 一个历史例子说明:撒母耳记上书8:1-18.

1. 撒母耳年纪老了.他指派自己的儿子们治理以色列国.8:1

2. 儿子不遵行父亲所行的.他们腐败贪污.8:3

3. 以色列长老要求撒母耳给他们立一个王统治他们.8:5

4. 耶和华神叫撒母耳听他们的话,给他们立王.


5. 神叫撒母耳事先警告他们,王会怎样待他们!8:9-18





. 结论:就是这句"到了结局你们当怎样昵?"

1. 使徒保罗告诉我们当怎样做! 罗马书13:1-2




2. 敬请定心,不要丧志!请读罗马书8:28.





   愿耶和华神赐福保守你直到永远! 二零一零年十二月十九日讲这篇.

   Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah.A. The scripture: Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah. Ps.33:12   These are people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance. Ps.33:121. These people understand God’s word in the Bible. Col.1:92. These people walk worthily of the Lord unto all pleasing, bearing fruit in   every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. Col.1:10B. This nation recognizes no other gods besides Jehovah God!1. A scribe asked Jesus: What commandment is the first of all? Mk.12:28   Jesus said: The first is, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Mk.12:29   The scribe said: Teacher, you said it well, the Lord our God, He is one,   besides him there is no other. Mk.12:322. This blessed nation has a constitution that says, only people who accept   and worship Jehovah God may apply to come live here! *****3. I am very sure all normal people will agree with me on this one!   You need only to imagine, each one in this nation knows the will of God and   walk worthily of Jehovah, how blessed this nation would be!C. Prophet Jeremiah knew how Western Democracy operates! Jer.5:30-311. This is what he said:  A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the   land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority,   and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end? 2. Why do you think Western politicians know how to think up a proposal on how   to rule a nation and run for president?3. Is this sounds very familiar to you?   a. Preachers preach lies. They lie that they preach according to the Bible.      But when you read the Bible, you know many in their preaching can’t be      found in the Bible!   b. Head of a nation rule according to his own ideas!   c. And the people love it this way!      As I see this is a perfect description of Western Democracy!      Please do not say that I against Western Democracy! I am living in it!4. Attention please, Jeremiah said, this is a horrible and shocking thing!   He also said, but what will you do in the end? D. Historic example for illustration! 1 Sam.8:1-18 1. When Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons as rulers for Israel. 1 Sam.8:12. His sons did not walk in his ways. They practiced corruption. 1 Sam.8:33. Elders requested Samuel to appoint a king to lead them. 1 Sam.8:54. The Lord told him: Listen to all that the people are saying to you.    It is not you they rejected, they rejected me as their king. 1 Sam.8:75. Warn them what the king will do: 1 Sam.8:9-18   a. Your sons and daughters will become his soldiers and slaves.1 Sam.8:9-13   b. He will take what is your to become his! 1 Sam.8:14-17   c. Yourself will become his slaves. 1 Sam.8:17   d. When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have      chosen, and the Lord will not answer you in that day. 1 Sam.8:18E. Conclusion: “But what will you do in the end?”1. Apostle Paul told us this is what we must do! Ro.13:1-2   Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no   authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist   have been established by God.  Consequently, he who rebels against the   authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so   will bring judgment on themselves.2. Take heart let us not be despaired! Ro.8:28   God promised his own inheritance that in all things He works for the good     of those who love Him.  This is why and how we are here!