How much you know about the America's dream!?
A. Listen to America’s presidents speeches to its people!
They always end with God Bless America!
America as a nation has a dream! This is America’s dream!
People live in this nation become worthy to receive God’s blessing!
B. Look at the one dollar bill and you may see America’s dream!
1. You see a pyramid and on the top of it is an eye!
This is the eye of God!
Yes, America as a nation has a dream! God’s eye is upon America!
America’s dream, God not just bless it; God will keep an eye on it!
God’s protection is what we seek! No one can bully us!
The Lord is my helper. I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?
2. You will see “In God We Trust” on the back of the dollar bill!
Yes, America as a nation has a dream!
Everyone comes to live in this nation will trust in God!
When they spend money they declare this message: “In God We Trust”!
This is America’s dream!C. When you walk into a court room you see the inscriptionà
“Justice for all” inscribed on the wall behind the judgment seat!
Yes, America as a nation has a dream!
All people live in this nation will be treated with justice!
America’s dream is that this nation will be like the kingdom of God!
It is not just about eating and drinking, it is about righteousness
and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit! Romans 14:17
Looks to me like! When people talk about America’s dream,
it is all about eating and drinking these days!
D. Once a while when you visit a government building!
You will see this inscriptionà One Nation Under God!
Yes, America has a dream!
America’s dream is that this Jehovah God is the God of this nation!
America fully recognizes what King David said in Psalms 33:12à
Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah, The people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
This is America’s dream! Jehovah God is the God of this nation!
Everyone living in this nation is God’s chosen people!
E. Look at officials take office in America!
When Government officials take office they place their left hand on a Bible,
raise their right hand and swear to God that they will be faithful to people as well as to God!
When one lay his hand on a Bible, which God do you think he swears?
Yes, Jehovah God! America recognizes what says in Mark 12:38-32!
F. Who care about America’s dream?!
1. As far as I know, look like no one care about America’s dream!
Everyone care only about their dreams in America!
2. Do you know Jesus has a dream too? Read Jn.17:20-23!
Yes, Jesus has a dream!
His dream is that all his believers will become one body of Christ!
Be perfectly united in one church!
Who do you think care about Jesus’ dream! Yes, I do! How about you?
Who do you think care about America’s dream! Yes, I do! Do you?
This is why I am still preaching what says in the Bible!
May the Lord bless you and keep you always!