一. 分析明白本次研究的主要经文加拉太书1:8节.
1. 这里的我们就是使徒保罗自己和与他一起传福音的人.
2. 或是天使.我们知道,天上的天使除了神自己之外他最大!
3. 若是传不同的福音,就是第一次已经传给你们的,而你们又接受了的福音不相同.
4. 他就要受诅咒!这是包括以下这些都要受诅咒!
(1) 就算是从天上来的天使,若传给你们不同的福音,他也要受诅咒!
(2) 就算是我们自己再次来给你们传福音.若是我们第二次所传的福音与第一次所传给你们的福音不相同,我们也要受诅咒!
二. 人若拿使徒行传16:31节传一个受洗之前就得救的福音怎办?
1. 这些人说:使徒行传16:31节说:当信主耶稣,你和你一家都必得救!
2. 所以人若单独拿使徒行传16:31节来传未受洗就得救的福音,就与他自己的见证不相同了!
3. 同时也错误的控告,说保罗没有听从主耶稣在马可福音16:15-16节的吩咐!
(约翰福音8:24节主耶稣说,人若不信他是基督就必死在罪中! 所以后句不需要说,不受洗,不悔改...!因为不信就足够叫人死在罪中!)
三. 现在我们必须看保罗在腓立比那里究竟怎样传福音! 使徒行传16:30-33节.
1. 腓立比的监卒问:我当怎样行才能得救? 16:30
2. 保罗和西拉回答:当信主耶稣你和你一家,都必得救.16:31
3. 保罗和西拉就将主的道,讲给他和他全家的人听.16:32
4. 监卒他们就带他们去为他们洗伤口,当夜就在那时候,腓立比监卒和他一家人立时就受了洗.
5. 人若蒙神怜悯,读了16:31节继续读到33节就知道,使徒保罗没有传受洗之前就已得救了的福音!
6. 人若引用保罗传福音的故事,错误的传道说,保罗传了没有受洗就先得救的福音,就是有意要叫保罗诅咒自己,也叫保罗不遵从主耶稣的吩咐!
四. 结论:
1. 错误的冤枉使徒保罗传讲不同的福音!错误的说,保罗传未接受水的洗礼就已得救了的福音!
2. 误导自己和所有听他们传道的人.使他们入地狱还以为是上天堂!
愿神赐福保守你直到永远! 二零一一年八月十四日讲这篇.
Thou shall not make Paul condemn himself! Gal.1:8A. Understanding the main scripture for this study! Gal.1:81. “But though we” à this means Paul himself and his preaching team!2. “or an angel from heaven” à the top guy besides God!3. “should preach to you any gospel other than that which we preached to you” à different from the first time we preached to you and you had accepted!4. “Let him be condemned” à this include the following: a. Even if he is angel from heaven, if he presents any gospel other than the one we preached to you the first time let him be condemned!***b. Even if ourselves come back the 2nd time, if we preach any gospel other than the one we preached to you the 1st time, let us be condemned!5. Anyone can’t understand this verse this way should stay out from preaching!B. What happen if one takes Acts 16:31 and preach a gospel before baptism?1. They said: “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou shall be saved, thou and thy house.” Yes, this is what Acts 16:31 says! But when we take this verse out of the whole context, we are saying that Paul and his team were preaching a gospel other than the one gospel he preached in Acts 22:12-16! In Acts 22:12-16 he said sins are washed away at time of water baptism! (Read Acts 8:35-38 to know preaching Jesus has to include water baptism!)2. Anyone who takes Acts 16:31 and preaches a gospel before water baptism is wrongly accused Paul for preaching a gospel other than the one gospel he preached to the Galatians the 1st time!3. This also wrongfully accused Paul disobeyed what Jesus said in Mk.16:15-16! “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved. He who believes not shall be condemned!” (Jn.8:24 tells us, believe not is enough to be condemned!)C. Now we have to find out what Paul really did in Philippi! Acts 16:30-33 By the grace of God, all we need is just read on to the next 2 verses!1. The question posted by the Philippians jailerà What must I do to be saved? Acts 16:302. Their answer to that questionà Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your family. Acts 16:313. They (Paul and Silas) spoke the word of the Lord to him, with all that were in his house. And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his family immediately. Acts 16:32-334. As we can see, all we need is after reading Acts 16:31 then read on to 32 and 33, we know the real story! Apostle Paul did not preach a gospel other than the one he preached the 1st time to the Galatians! He preached the same gospel here and in Ac.22:12-16. Apostle Paul did not disobey what Jesus told him in Mk.16:15-16!5. Read Acts 16:32-33à They spoke to him and his family, the word of the Lord. They took them to wash their wounds and were baptized immediately! The whole salvation process is the same as in Acts 2:36-38 and 22:12-16!6. Therefore, those take Acts 16:30-31 to preach a salvation before water baptism is wrongly accused Paul for preaching a different gospel. This means they make Paul condemned himself! In the meantime they also wrongly make Paul disobey Jesus’ instruction in Mark 16:15-16!D. Conclusion: Please forgive me for quoting Matt.7:21-23 to conclude this sermon! Jesus declares to those who claim to preach in his name, cast out demons in his name and do many mighty works in his name as devil doers! Yes, one preaches a salvation before water baptism is an evil doer!1. He wrongly accused Apostle Paul preached a different gospel!2. He misled himself and those listen to him! Taking them to hell with him!May the Lord bless you and keep you always! Preach this on August 14, 2011.