Thou shall not make Paul condemn himself! Gal.1:8
A. Understanding the main scripture for this study! Gal.1:8
1. “But though we” à this means Paul himself and his preaching team!
2. “or an angel from heaven” à the top guy besides God!
3. “should preach to you any gospel other than that which we preached to you”
à different from the first time we preached to you and you had accepted!
4. “Let him be condemned” à this include the following:
a. Even if he is angel from heaven, if he presents any gospel other than the one we preached to you the first time
let him be condemned!
***b. Even if ourselves come back the 2nd time, if we preach any gospel other than the one we preached to you the 1st time,
let us be condemned!
5. Anyone can’t understand this verse this way should stay out from preaching!
B. What happen if one takes Acts 16:31 and preach a gospel before baptism?
1. They said: “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou shall be saved, thou and thy house.”
Yes, this is what Acts 16:31 says!
But when we take this verse out of the whole context, we are saying that Paul and his team were preaching a gospel
other than the one gospel he preached in Acts 22:12-16!
In Acts 22:12-16 he said sins are washed away at time of water baptism!
(Read Acts 8:35-38 to know preaching Jesus has to include water baptism!)
2. Anyone who takes Acts 16:31 and preaches a gospel before water baptism is
wrongly accused Paul for preaching a gospel other than the one gospel he preached to the Galatians the 1st time!
3. This also wrongfully accused Paul disobeyed what Jesus said in Mk.16:15-16!
“He who believes and is baptized shall be saved. He who believes not shall be condemned!”
(Jn.8:24 tells us, believe not is enough to be condemned!)
C. Now we have to find out what Paul really did in Philippi! Acts 16:30-33
By the grace of God, all we need is just read on to the next 2 verses!
1. The question posted by the Philippians jailerà
What must I do to be saved? Acts 16:30
2. Their answer to that questionà Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your family. Acts 16:31
3. They (Paul and Silas) spoke the word of the Lord to him, with all that were in his house.
And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes;
and was baptized, he and all his family immediately. Acts 16:32-33
4. As we can see, all we need is after reading Acts 16:31 then read on to 32 and 33, we know the real story!
Apostle Paul did not preach a gospel other than the one he preached the 1st time to the Galatians!
He preached the same gospel here and in Ac.22:12-16.
Apostle Paul did not disobey what Jesus told him in Mk.16:15-16!
5. Read Acts 16:32-33à
They spoke to him and his family, the word of the Lord. They took them to wash their wounds and were baptized immediately!
The whole salvation process is the same as in Acts 2:36-38 and 22:12-16!
6. Therefore, those take Acts 16:30-31 to preach a salvation before water baptism is wrongly accused Paul
for preaching a different gospel.
This means they make Paul condemned himself! In the meantime they also wrongly make Paul disobey Jesus’ instruction in Mark 16:15-16!
D. Conclusion: Please forgive me for quoting Matt.7:21-23 to conclude this sermon!
Jesus declares to those who claim to preach in his name, cast out demons in his name and do many mighty works in his name
as devil doers!
Yes, one preaches a salvation before water baptism is an evil doer!
1. He wrongly accused Apostle Paul preached a different gospel!
2. He misled himself and those listen to him! Taking them to hell with him!
May the Lord bless you and keep you always! Written on August 14, 2011.