一. 雅各书1:25节原文这样说-->
二. 约翰福音8:31-32节.
1. 这经文所说的信了是正在信的时候,不是曾经信!敬请留意!
2. 耶稣对这些信了他的犹太人说,你们若常常遵守我道.信了耶稣,要常常遵守主的道.
3. 这样的人就必晓得真理.
4. 真理必叫这样的人从罪里得释放.不再被罪恶捆绑!正如罗马书6:22节说的,信而受洗了的人,从罪里得释放.成为神的仆人.
三. 乃曼遵行先知的话麻疯得洁净.(王下5:1-14)
1. 乃曼是叙利亚王的将军.他有大麻疯病.(当时是不能治的病!) 5:1
2. 在一次战争的时候,他们俘掳了一位以色列女孩. 5:2
3. 他告诉乃曼将军说,若是他能去看以色列的先知,他能治好他的麻疯. 5:3
4. 乃曼从叙利亚王得了文书,去以色列王要求麻疯得到医治. 5:5
5. 以色列王以为他们是要寻藉口,来与以色列打仗.因为当时大麻疯是不能医的病!所以,以色列王很难过! 5:6-7
6. 以利沙先知,知道了,就打发仆人去告诉以色列王.可以打发乃曼大他那里. 5:8
7. 乃曼和他的同行就到以利沙住的地方.站在门口. 5:9
8. 以利沙先知叫仆人去,告诉乃曼到约但河洗七次,他的麻疯就会好. 5:10
9. 乃曼听见了,就很生气.正要回去.因他想,大马士格的河流不是有更清洁的河水吗? 5:1
10. 他的仆人们对他说,若是先知叫他作更大的事.他不是乐意照做? 5:13
11. 他听仆人们的劝告.就去约但河洗七次.他的麻疯就好了! 5:14
四. 生来就瞎了眼的人的故事.(约9:1-7)
1. 有一个生来就瞎了眼的人. 9:1
2. 耶稣用口水和泥,涂在他的眼,叫他去西罗亚池洗. 9:6
3. 他去洗了.他就能看见了. 9:7
五. 请大家读以弗所书4:26节.
愿神赐福保守各位从今时直到永远! 九月十三日零七年.
Blessings obtain at time of doing! (James 1:25)
A. The scripture from Greek text -->
You are blessed at the time of doing the Lord's will!
But the having looked 3879 into law perfect the of freedom 1657 and remaining3887,
not a hearer of forgetfulness becoming but a doer of work this one blessed in the doing of him will be.
1. having looked,3879--> look carefully as to get acquainted with it.
2. Freedom, 1657--> Free to do the will of God.
3. Remaining 3887--> Continue to do so till all stains are washed away.
B. John 8:31-32 To the Jews that having believed him, Jesus said,
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples;
and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
1. “Having believed”, this is present, perfect, continue tense!
2. “If you abide in my word”, this is present tense!
This means live by the rules set forth by Jesus Christ in the Bible!
3. You will know the truth in the Bible!
4. The truth will set you free from sin! Sin can not control you!
As Ro.6:22 put it this way--> Slaves are free to do his master’s will!
Now you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God,the benefit you reap leads to holiness,
the result is eternal life.
C. Naaman did what says the Prophet! (2 King 5:1-14)
1. Naaman was a commander of the army of king of Syria! 5:1
He has leprosy. It was incurable at the time!
2. In a war, he captured a young girl from Israel. (5:2)
3. She told him if he go to see the prophet, he would cure him. 5:3
4. Naaman got a letter from the king and went to the king of Israel asking that his leprosy be cured. 5:5
5. King of Israel was sad and scared! He thought it was an excuse to start a war to destroy Israel.
So he was very sad! 5:6-7 For at the time leprosy was incurable!
6. Elisha, the prophet heard about the news. He sent message asking that Naaman be sent to him. 5:8
7. Naaman and his men came at the door of Elisha. 5:9
8. Elisha sent a messenger to tell him to go wash himself 7 times in the Jordan river and his leprosy
will be cured! 5:10
9. Naaman was very angry and about to go home. He thought Damascus’ has cleaner water… 5:12
10. His servants said to him, ”If the prophet had told you to do greater things, would you not have done it?” 5:13
11. So he went and washed himself 7 times and he was cured! 5:14
D. A blind man did what Jesus told him and was cured! (John 9:1-7)
1. A man was blind from birth. 9:1
2. Jesus mixed mud with saliva and put it on his eyes and said to him, “Go wash in the Pool of Siloam”. 9:6
3. He went and washed, and he could see! 9:7
E. We read Eph.4:26 says--> Be angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your anger.
Literally practice it and see for yourself!
May the Lord bless you and keep you! Sept., 13, 2007.