These tragic events would not have happened!
A. A 15 year old boy would not have to be shot dead in front of a bar near Columbia University!
1. He was a fine boy when he attending church with us here 30 years ago!
One day we found he did not show up for church! We visited him at his home!
2. His mother told us they were idol worshipers. They don’t want their boy to believe in Jesus!
3. Sometimes later we read on the News Paper a 15 year old boy was shot dead
in front of a bar near Columbia University 3 a.m. Sunday!
When we read the detail, sure enough this was the boy!
4. We were very sad!
We thought we should have insisted that he come to church!
5. Yes, I am very sure this tragic event would not have happened,
if his mother did not prevented him from coming to church!
B. In the church we teach them not to drink wine, not to associate with bad people!
1. Besides, if he had to come to church on Sunday before 10 a.m.
He would not be at the bar 3 a.m. on Sunday!
2. Eph.5:18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.
3. 1 Thes.5:7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night.
4. 1 Cor.15:33 Be not deceived: Evil companionships corrupt good morals.
C. There was this boy!
1. His mother brought him to church.
Some how they learned that we are good in helping naughty boys into good behaved good boys!
His mother insist that he come to church attend Bible class!
2. Very soon this boy become well behaved.
His mother told us now that her boy has become good!
He does not need to come to church again.
He can deliver News paper help make money!
3. So he drop out from the church! We visited the boy and family a few times!
4. About a year later, the mother came to cry for help!
The boy has become a drug addict and a gang member!
5. So we tried to talk sense into his head.
But by this time his head is full of drug and gang ideas!
He watched his mother cried. But he can’t change back to be good anymore!
6. His mother spent 40,000 brought him back to China to live for two years!
7. Thinking that he has changed and away from gangs! So she brought him back!
Very soon his pick drug and be friend with gangs again!
The mother asked for help! We were not able to help!
8. I am very sure this would not have happened!
As we can see, the mother has money to take him back to China.
But she put her child to deliver News Paper to help making money, end up tragic!
D. A 32 years old mother shot dead her 3 girls and herself!
1. This would not have happened!
If both of her divorced husbands and herself had come to church since they were young!
Her oldest daughter was 11 the 2nd one was 10 and the 3rd one was 2 year old!
2. As we can count she married her 1st husband and had the girl at time of 21!
Then she was divorced with 2 daughters!
3. Then she married again and give birth to the 3rd girl.
Then divorced!
She ended up with herself and 3 daughters to take care off!
Right before she shot dead 3 girls and herself she e-mailed her last divorced husband-->
I can’t take it any more!
I can imagine no one can take this. Unless with lots of money in hand!
4. If these 2 men and herself were here at this church with us!
5. I am sure this tragic event would not have happened, if they were all here in this church!
E. We would teach them!
1. To the unmarried:
It is better for a man not to touch a woman.
But because of fornications, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. 1 Cor.7:1-2
2. To the married:
a. That the wife depart not from her husband. 1 Cor.7:10
b. That the husband leave not his wife. 1 Cor.7:11
c. The Lord Jesus put it this way concerning marriage!
Matt.19:6 So they are no longer two, but one.
Therefore what God has joined together. Let man not separate!