

. 圣经里的一个故事:(14:8-19)    

1. 使徒保罗在路斯得医好了一位生来就瘸腿的人.当地群众把他当作是他们所拜的普萨显灵成为人身!他们普萨的祭司和群众甚至要拿祭物来拜祭他!



2. 但是从14:19,就看见,这班群众变成什么样的人!       


3. 是的,不明白真理,不寻求真理的人来参加聚会,很快就会变成爱传真理的人的死对头!

. 许多人来听主耶稣讲道,但是,他们是什么样的人?(8:28-59)    

1. 耶稣说,当你们举起人子的时候,就会知道我是谁.我不做自己的事.我做父神叫我做的事.


2. 他讲说这些事,就有许多犹太人信了他(现在进行式的信).(8:31-32)       



3. 但是,那些信他的犹太人是什么样的人?耶稣自己说,他们是撒但的儿子!他们要遵行那恶者的意愿!(8:44)         


4. 后来就是这些犹太,拿起石头要打耶稣.耶稣就从他们中间走了!(8:59)

. 有一件非常好又非常可怕的事!(耶利米书5:30)    

1. 有一件非常好又非常可怕的事在犹太地发生.就是先知们说假预言.祭司把持权柄,按自己 的意思统治人民.


2. 当我们看见许多人进来教会参加聚会,我们一定很高兴说,这真是一件非常好的事!


. 我们必须坚持记在圣经里的真理!(提后4:1-4)    

1. 圣灵明说,时候要到,现在就是了!人要离弃圣经的真理!


2. 但是我们必须坚持记在圣经里的真理!(提后4:1-4)       



3. 因为这是讨神喜欢的事!(提前2:4)    

4. 因为真理能将我们从罪恶的捆绑释放出来!(8:32)       


   愿神赐福保守各位从今时直到永远!   (零七年七月二十日  

Hold on to the truth or things that can attract more people?

A. The story. (Acts 14:8-19)  

1. Paul healed a crippled man from birth. The crowd adored him as one of their gods.

   Paul and Barnabas told them: We are human like you. We bring you the good news.

   We are telling you to turn from these worthless idols to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and 

   everything in them.

   Even with these words, they had difficulty keeping the crowd from sacrificing to them.(Ac.14:18) 

2. But see what happened in verse 19!    

   Some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over.

   They stoned Paul and dragged him outside city, think he was dead! 

3. Yes, those do not know the truth may be attracted by miracles,

   but they can change into your deadly enemies soon after the miracles!

B. Many came to hear Jesus preaching but who were they? (Jn.8:28-59)

1. Jesus said, when you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am.

   I do nothing of myself, as the father taught me, I speak these things.

   He that sent me is with me; he had not left me alone; for I always do things that please him. 8:28-29  

2. As he speak these things, many having believed him.(8:30)     

   Therefore Jesus said to those Jews that had having believed him, if you abide in my word,

   you are truly my disciples and you shall  know the truth and the truth shall make you free.  

3. But who were these many who had having believed him?     

   As Jesus said, they are children of the devil.

   They want to carry out the will of their father who is the devil! 8:44  

4. At the end these people picked up stone to stone him and he had to walked away from them! Jn.8:59C.

   There is a thing that is wonderful and horrible! (Jer.5:30)  

1. Read it from the ASV and KJV translation--> 

   A wonderful and horrible thing is come to pass in the land:

   The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so:   

2. When we see so many come into the church building to worship God, we say this is wonderful. 

   When we see many of these same people turned out to be children of Satan, we say this is horrible!

D. We have to hold on to the truth in the Bible! (2 Tim.4:1-4)  

1. The time is here people will not put up with sound teaching!  

   Yes, people in the world rather follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. (1 Tim.4:1-2)  

2. But we have to hold on to the truth in the Bible! (2 Tim.4:1-4)

   In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the  living and the dead,

   and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 

   Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--

   with great patience and careful instruction.

3. Because this is what pleases God! (1 Tim.2:4)  

4. It is the truth that set us free from sins! (Jn.8:32)     

It is the truth that save us! (James 1:21)     

It is the truth that can build us up and give us an inheritance among all who are sanctified.(Ac.20:32)                

May the Lord bless you and keep you!     (July 20, 2007)