

. 经文:5:15-17-->    


. 原文意思研究:    

1. "行事"这原文字的字典号码是4043.意思是有准则限制.按规矩行事为人!

(1) 你们既然蒙招,行事为人就当与蒙招的恩相称.(4:1)

(2) 要叫你们行事为人对得起主,凡事蒙他喜悦,在一切善事上结果子,渐渐的多知道神.(西1:10)       

(3) 要叫你们行事对得起那召你们进他国得荣耀的神.(帖前2:12)

(4) 叫你们可以向外人行事端正,自己也就没有什么缺乏了.(帖前4:12)    

2. 智慧,4680-->作一位行事为人被自己的敬虔和正直所限制的人.


3. 爱惜,1805-->聪明的善用时间像善用金钱.正如善用买来自己用的物.

4. 时代,2250-->在一个鬼魔多作恶事叫信主的人难平安活着的时代.


5. 邪恶,4190-->充满苦难冲击信徒信心和坚定的时候.


. 所以我们在现今的世代当怎样过平安的生活?    

1. 要知道,两千年前圣经已经有详细记述我们今天的世代清况!(不要惊奇!)提后3:1-5.




2. 不论鬼魔怎样作恶搅扰,我们还是要立志,过着有准则规范的生活.

   人要专雇自己,                我们要雇自己也要雇别人,乃是彼此相雇.    

   人要贪爱钱财,                我们要忠心赚钱,更忠心敬爱神.    

   人要自夸狂傲,                我们要谦卑温柔待人.    

   人要谤渎,无理取闹,           我们要事事讲理由讲说造就人的话.    

   他们不听父母的话,忘恩负义,   我们要孝敬父母在世长寿.并且有恩必报!    

   他们不圣洁无亲情,            我们要圣洁又有亲情.好待家里的众人.     

   他们不解怨,                  我们要不计较人的恶.他们不爱做好事,我们最爱做好事. 

   他们出卖朋友,                我们绝对不出卖朋友.他们任意忘为,我们事事按规矩.    

   他们爱宴乐,不爱神,           我们要专心先爱神又爱人.    

   他们有敬虔外貌,背了敬虔实意, 我们有敬虔的外貌,又有敬虔的实意.   

   他们给神带来羞耻,            我们给神带来荣耀!我们的生活凡事端正并且没有什么缺乏!

              愿神赐福保守各位从今直到永远! 零七年十二月七日.     

How shall we live our lives in a time like ours?

A. The scripture--> Ehp.5:15-17.  

NIV--> Be very careful, then, how you live-- not as unwise but as wise, 5:15 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (5:16)

Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. 5:17  

ASV--> Look therefore carefully how ye walk, not as unwise, but as wise; (5:15)

redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (5:16)  

Wherefore be ye not foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.  

Word Tr. -->See ye therefore carefully how ye walk 4043, not as unwise but as wise 4680,

redeeming 1805 the time, because the days    2250 evil 4190 are.

Therefore be ye not foolish but understand what the will of the Lord.

B. Original meaning of key words-->  

1. Ye walk, 4043 --> To regulate ones life.     

a. To lead a life worthy of the calling. Eph.4:1     

b. To lead a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and

increasing in the knowledge of God. (Col.1:10)     

c. To lead a life worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory. 1 Thes.2:12.     

d. So that you man command the respect of outsiders, and be dependent on nobody. 1 Thes.4:12  

2. Wise 4680--> One whose action is governed by piety and integrity.     

Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good life let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. (James 3:13)  

3. Redeeming, 1805 --> Using your time wisely as using money!     

Such as you buy up something for personal use!     

In wisdom walk ye toward the ones outside, the time redeeming.(Col.4:5)  

4. Days 2250 --> a time demons are making troubles for Christians.     

But remember ye the formerly days, in which being enlightened a much struggle ye endured of sufferings. Heb.10:32  

5. Evil, 4190 --> a time full of peril to Christian faith and steadfastness.

Therefore, take ye up the whole armor of God, in order ye may be able to resist in the day evil and

all things having wrought to stand. (Eph.6:13)

C. So how shall we live in a time like ours?  

1. A description of our time written 2000 years ago--> 2 Tim.3:1-5     

Mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.      

People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud,abusive,disobedient to their parents,

ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the

good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God--> having a form of

godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.   

2. Be very determined to live a life that is regulated by the will of the Lord recorded in the Bible!