

. 林前10:3-5    

    1. 是的,我们是住在地上.(林前10:3)    

    2. 我们打的仗与世人所打的不同.(林前10:3)    

    3. 我们不是用世怂玫奈淦鞔蛘?(林前10:4)    

    4. 我们是要拆毁,拦阻人认识神的所有思想和理论.(林前10:5)    

    5. 将人的思想说服,使之顺服基督!(林前10:5)

. 这场仗是关于守住信心和一个好的良心! (提前1:17-18)    

    1. 神是一位.看不见,永存之君,永不朽坏,荣耀,尊贵都归于他,直到永远    

    2. 这是一场我们必须赢的美好的仗! (提前1:18)    

    3. 这是一场关于信心和一个好的良心的仗! (提前1:18)

. 这是治死身体里面那些叫人犯罪的无形机能成分!   



. 这场仗的主要敌人是邪灵恶魔!(6:10-17)    

    1. 打仗的人必须在主里坚强,和在主的大能里的人!(6:10)    

    2. 这是一场要靠神所赐的全副军装打胜的仗!是对抗恶魔所有毒箭的!6:11    

    3. 敌人不是血,!是灵界里的,无形的,邪恶的力量!(6:12)    

    4. 第一项防守武器是真理的带,束在腰上!(6:14)    

    5. 第二项防守武器是正义的胸牌.(6:15)    

    6. 第三项防守武器是穿在脚上的和平福音.(6:15)    

    7. 第四项防守武器是信心的盾牌.是用来息灭恶者,所有烧着火的箭!(6:16)    

    8. 第五项防守武器是救恩的头盔.(6:17)    

    9. 唯一攻击的武器是圣灵的宝剑就是神的话!(圣经真理!)(6:17)

. 怎样运用这唯一攻击的武器?(6:18-19)  



. 怎知道我们能打赢这场仗?    

    1. 我们知道,我们是神的儿女.也知道这个世界是在恶魔的控制之下!(约一5:19)    

    2. 亲爱的儿女们,我们是从神而来.并且胜过他们.因为那在我们里头的,比那在世上的更大!(约一4:4)    

    3. 主耶稣说,那能杀身体,不能杀魂的,不要怕他.那能将身体和魂都灭在地狱里,正要怕他!(10:28)    

    4. 若是我们的福音蒙闭了,是向那些灭亡的人蒙闭!他们蒙闭了,是因为这世界的神将他们的心蒙闭了!林后4:3-4

                    愿神赐福保守各位从今直到永远! 零八年一月三日. 

This is a war we have to win!

A. 2 Cor.10:3-5  

1. Yes, we live in the world.10:3  

2. We do not wage war as the world does.10:3  

3. We do not fight with weapons of the world. 10:4  

4. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. 10:5  

5. We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

B. This war is holding on to faith and a good conscience.  

1. There is only one God,

   the King eternal, immortal, invisible, be honor and glory for ever and ever. 1 Tim.1:17  

2. This is a good warfare we have to win! 1 Tim.1:18  

3. This war is about holding faith and a good conscience. 1 Tim.1:19

C. This war is about put to death members that cause you to sin!  

Put to death therefore your members which are upon the earth:

fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry;

for which things' sake cometh the wrath of God upon the sons of disobedience: (Col.3:5-6)

D. The principal enemy is evil spirit the devil! Eph.6:10-17  

1. One who wages this war must be strong in the Lord and power.  

2. This is a war we can win with the whole armor of God. 6:11     

This is against the devils schemes. 6:11  

3. The enemy is not flesh and blood!  It is the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms. 6:12  

4. Our 1st defensive weapon is the belt of truth! 6:14     

We must buckle this belt of truth around our waist.  

5. The 2nd defensive weapon is breastplate of righteousness.  

6. The 3rd defensive weapon is feet fitted with gospel of peace.  

7. The 4th defensive weapon is the shield of faith in one hand.      

This one is to extinguish all flaming arrows of the devil.  

8. The 5th defensive weapon is the helmet of salvation. 6:17  

9. The one attack weapon is sword of the Spirit, the word of God which is recorded in the Bible.

E. How do we use this only attack weapon? (Eph.6:19-20)  

Pray for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me

so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.   

Pray that I may declare it fearlessly as I should. 6:20 Repeat!

F. How do we know we can win this war?  

1.1 Jn.5:19-->We know that we are children of God,

and that the whole world is under the control of the devil.  

2.1 Jn.4:4-->Dear children, were of God and have overcome them,

because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.   

3.Matt.10:28--> Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.  

4.Even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled in them that perish:     

in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving,

that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn.