
那安舒的日子. 使徒行传3:19

. 安舒的日子的因素是什么?

    1. 身体健康. body in good health.                                

    2. 收入稳定. regular steady income.

    3. 笑容满脸. constant smiling face.                         

    4. 没债要还. no debt need to pay.

    5. 生活快乐满足. Content with what already have.  

    6. 心灵无忧无虑. No worry within the soul.

    7. 相心自己有足够储蓄解决突变事故.

        believe there is enough reserve in store to cover sudden misfortune.


. 什么事会使人失去安舒的日子?

    1. 作了亏心事. Done things against own conscience. 

    2. 患了不能医的病. sudden incurable sickness.

    3. 欠债没有钱还. not enough money to pay debt.     

    4. 工作不稳定. unsecured job.

    5. 没有足够储蓄解决突变事故.not enough resource to cover sudden misfortune.


. 人以为怎样才能得到安舒的日子?

    1. 勤奋作工赚钱越多越好. work hard for things that make money the more the better.

    2. 立志一生不作亏心事. swear not to do things against one's own conscience.

    3. 结交良朋益友. make friends that are beneficial to one's own interests.

    4. 积蓄足够钱财应付突变事故. Enough saving to cover sudden misfortune.

    5. 知足. being content with whatever already have.


. 圣经怎样教导关于安舒的日子? 使徒行传3:19


    1. 安舒的日子是从主面前来到.                   

    2. 是在人悔改归正,使罪得以涂抹之后来到.

    3. 以上这两项都与信而受洗必然得救有关!


. 从人以为怎样能得到安舒的日子的事我们看见:

    1. 勤奋作工赚钱越多越好. work hard for things that make money the more the better.



    2. 立志一生不作亏心事. swear not to do things against one's own conscience.


    3. 结交良朋益友. make friends that are beneficial to one's own interests.


    4. 积蓄足够钱财应付突变事故. Enough saving to cover sudden misfortune.


    5. 知足. being content with whatever already have. 



. 结论: 信靠永恒全能的神是唯一的方法!

     1. 爱心是动力,信心是成事的实底!


     2. 正是-->信心就是所望之事的实底.是未见之事的确据. 希伯来书11:1



         与我们一同靠信心,相信全能的主叫万事互相效力,叫我们这些爱主的人得益处. 罗马书8:28



         但忍耐也当成功,使你们成全完备,毫无缺欠. 雅各书1:2-4


     3. 我们凭什么传道50多年,今天能够这样讲道?



     4. 我们一生追求建立基督的教会,立志散播正义的果子.与人和平相处!

         不担心明天有没有生活所需.也不怕任何人找上门! 雅各书3:13-18节罗马书14:17




     5. 因为神的义正在这福音上显明出来.这义是本于信,以致于信.正如经上所记:义人必因信的生.


         For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last,

         just as it is written:

         "The righteous will live by faith."  Romans 1:17 罗马书1:17


        So, Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out,  that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. 

 May the Lord bless you always! Written on August 28, 2014