那幸福的日子. Times of refreshing.
一.幸福日子的因素是什么? What is the elements for times of refreshing?
1. 身体健康. Body in good health.
2. 收入稳定. Steady income.
3.笑容满脸. Smiling face.
4.无债一身轻. Debt free. No debt one body light.
5. 心灵无忧无虑. Free of worry soul.
二.什么使人失去幸福的日子? What make man lost times of refreshing?
1. 作了亏心事. Done things against one’s own conscience.
2.突然患了不能医的病. Sudden hit by incurable sickness.
3.天灾人祸. Nature disaster. Man made woe.
4.祸从口出.病从口入. Woe come out of the mouth. Sickness get in from the mouth.
5.一失足成千古恨. One misbehave become forever regret.
三.人怎样能得幸福的日子? How man may gain times of refreshing?
1. 勤奋作工赚钱越多越好. Work hard for things that make money the more the better.
2. 立志一生不作亏心事. Swear not to do things against one's own conscience.
3. 结交良朋益友. Make friends that are beneficial to one's own interests.
小心猪朋狗友! Watch out pig and dog friends!
4. 知足.不贪. Content. No greed.
四.圣经怎教导幸福的日子? What Bible teach about times of refreshing? 使徒行传3:19节
所以你们当悔改归正,使你们的罪得以涂抹.这样那幸福的日子, 就必从主面前来到.
So, repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may
come from the Lord. Acts 3:19
信靠全能的神是唯一的方法! Have faith in the almighty God is the way!
1.爱心是动力. 信心是成事的确据! Love is the energy. Faith is assurance.
天有不测的风云. Natural disaster can happen any time!
谋事在人.成事在天. Man can plan. God can make it happen!
没有信心,就没有幸福. No faith, no refreshing times.
信心越大.幸福越多. The more the faith. The larger times of refreshing.
人非有信不能见神. No faith man can’t see God. 希伯来书11:6
人非圣洁,不能得神的喜悦. No holiness, man can’t please God.希伯来书11:6
Now faith is assurance of hoped for, a conviction of things not seen. 希伯来书11:1节 Heb.11:1
Believe our almighty God make all things work together for good for those who love him. 罗马书8:28
For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last. Romans 1:17
正如经上所记:义人必因信得生. Just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith.Romans 1:17 罗马书 1:17
4.要有幸福,就必须在和平的时候,散播正义的果子. 雅各书3:18
He that wants times of refreshing, must sow fruit of righteousness in peace time. James 3:18
愿主赐福保守你直到永远! May the Lord bless you and keep you forever! Written on August 29, 2014