


1.信耶稣的人. 徒11:26节

2.遵守耶稣教训的人. 约8:31节

3.主日在基督的教会里聚会敬拜神的人. 来10:25节

4.必定是归属基督的教会的人. 徒2:47节

5.生平行正义的人. 罗14:17节

6.神的儿女. 约一3:10, 弗2:19节

7.基督的门徒. 徒11:26节

8.明白圣经真理的人. 约8:32,太13:10-11,约16:12-14节

9.喜欢研读圣经的人. 徒17:11节

10.神国里的子民. 弗2:19, 彼前2:9节

11.神国里的圣洁祭司. 彼前2:5,9节

12.能按正意分析圣经真理的人. 徒16:1, 提后4:1-5节

13.行为圣洁的人. 帖前4:3-8节

14.不淫乱,不爱钱,不怕死的人. 来13:4-6节


What kinds of human Christians are?

  1. Jesus believers. Jn.8:31
  2. Abide, obey Jesus teaching. Jn.8:31
  3. Sunday worship in church of Christ. Heb.10:25-29, Ac.2:1-42
  4. Has to be in the church of Christ. Ac.2:47
  5. Do righteousness in life. Ro.14:17.
  6. Children of God. 1Jn.3:10, Eph.2:19
  7. Disciples of Christ Acts 11:26
  8. Know Bible truth. Jn.8:31-32 Matt.13:10-11, Jn.16:12-14
  9. Like to study Bible. Ac.17:11

10.Citizen of the kingdom of God. Eph.2:19, 1Pet.2:9

11.Holy priests in the kingdom of God. 1Pet.2:5, 9.

12.Can handle the truth correctly. Ac.16:1, 2Tim.4:1-5

13.Sanctified people. 1Thes.4:3-8

14.No fornication, no love money, not afraid to died. Heb.13:4-6


愿主耶稣的恩惠与众圣徒同在.阿门! 启22:21节